Monday, June 3, 2013

Shoes drawing

This was the easiest and possibly my best drawing in art this semester. The first step I took to drawing the shoes was by making outlines. Then I added details to the shoes like the laces the buttons and the tounges. Then for the final part I added a layer of shading to the soles and tips of the shoes. If I could have changed anything in this portrait I would have changed how the second shoe was placed becasue the back part of the shoe didn't come out as curvey as the first shoe did.  

Self Portrait

The first step I took to make this portrait was by making measurements and making sure that all the parts were in the right spot which took a few minutes because I measured the head wrong. Then I drew the head by making a oval type of shape and started to to make lines to refernce where I would draw my mouth, nose, eyes and hairline. Then I used a piece of charcoal to do the shading of my hair which is probably the best part of the portrait. Then I used a pencil to draw my nose, eyes, and mouth and used charcoal to do the shading on my mouth and eyes. But if I could change anything in this portrait it would definitaly be the nose and maybe the mouth.    

Acrylic Landscape painting

     The first step I used to make this painting was by painting a very lightish blue and greenish sky. Then I drew out the mountains and the places were they seperate from the sky and the ocean, to make it look somewhat realistic I used little bits of white to make spots on the mountains where the snow would fall. For the snow I had to make a mixture of Tar Heel blue and white to seperate the lighting differences, and by doing that I made my light source come from the bottom right hand corner. My color scheme on this paniting was a mixture of neutral colors with cool colors. When I was painting the landscape I tried to make very light one direction type of brush strokes until I got to the bushes, then I let the paint brush bounce up and down off of the paper to make the sizes of the bush seem different. But if I could change anything of the painting it would have probaly been the blending I didn't do such a great job on blending the white parts on the mountains or on the water.

Ceramics project

For the ceramics project I originaly intended on it being a bowl but that didnt really work out so well so i just decided to make a mask and I wanted the mask to look creepy but kinda depressing at the same time. The first step I used was by making x's out of the mouth and connecting them together kinda making it look like its mouth was sowed shut. Then for the nose I thought it would've been kinda cool to make another face on the nose but that didn't turn out the way I planned because the holes got closed up. For the eyes i wanted them to kinda look droopy and underneath the eyes I made little slits to give it a creepy but sad at the same time. If I could've changed anything on this project I first would get ride of the face on the nose because at the time it made sense but looking back on it now it dosnt really fit the whole theme, then I would change the color instead of making it brown I would've probaly changed it to grey to make it more dull and depressing.  

pastel still life project

For this project i used a wide variet of items such as a cabbage patch kid, a bike pump, and a gas thing. I wanted this picture to illustrate a demented red head baby burning a bike pump with a gas fuiled thing. For this project i really wasn't trying to make it look three-dimensional i was just trying to blend a bunch of colors together like red, orange, yellow. I made the light source by making it seem like it was coming from the top right hand corner.